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Hand Forged Axes at Golden Axe Throw Club (Bangkok, Thailand) - Siam Blades

Hand Forged Axes at Golden Axe Throw Club (Bangkok, Thailand)

Axe Throwing In Bangkok

Hand Forged Custom Axes, Golden Axe Throw Club In Bangkok Tripadvisor

e now have an exciting new venue to test out our hand forged axes!

Golden Axe Throw Club in Bangkok, Thailand, offers axe throwing ranges for public walk-ins & private bookings. We utilize the space to test out our hand forged axes! 

Our main goal is to get sturdy axes that hold up to the beating axe throwing delivers. Some early issues we found, was that our tropical wood becomes dry and susceptible to cracking in extreme cold temperatures. It's always good to oil your handles to keep them from drying out and cracking. 

These axes are above NATF (National Axe Throwing Federation) regulation, but they throw hard and heavy, thanks to the weight and balance of the axes. They would surely perform well as bushcraft axes, chopping wood and other "regular" tasks outside of axe throwing! We just like to have some fun! 

If you're visiting Bangkok, Thailand, make sure to check out..

Golden Axe Throw Club 


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